Sunday, December 29, 2019

Case Study Report - 1321 Words

Case Study Report Introduction This case is about Zenova s project team, Ryan Douglas is a manager who works at a multinational company called Zenova which makes health and beauty products. Four months ago, Ryan led his project team which integrated 16 members come from 5 different countries was ordered to perform a significant survey about job satisfaction of employees in all the subsidiaries and completed in 18 months. However, there are some problems about Ryan s team and how to deal with inefficient work, such as low morale among team members and slow project development. Therefore, the company intends to replace Ryan and choose a suitable person to replace his position, either Elliot Smith or Silvia Adams. In this case study†¦show more content†¦Chang and Tharenou (2004, p. 68) state that it is essential for a manager to pays more energy to the commonalities and respect differences which and between employees. Ryan s personal style is too emotion and he is easy to get angry for subordinates. It will lead low morale of employees and lose self-confident. Furthermore, he has not enough patiences to treat team members and dose not friendly with his subordinates (Cotton, Falvey and Kent 2006). Because a good manager should provide a steady work environment for subordinates what is patient, pacific and harmonious (Chang and Tharenou 2004, p. 68ï ¼â€° Possible solution and evaluation One solution is that the management of Zenova decides Elliot Smith who has been working at Zenova in Germany with staff for a year to replace Ryan Douglas as the project manager. He uses directing style, but he tries to adapt his management style and multinational staff. In multicultural group, a good manager need to adapt their management style when team member want to express their cultural differences about decision-making, communication and teamwork (Brett, Behfar and Kern 2006, p. 88). In addition, Elliot also gives staff clear goals and tells staff deadlines. Both Horsley (2000, p. 5) and Hickey (2005, p. 28) state that manager should build a effective system what can motivate staff and promote completion of the goals. Nonetheless, sometimes Elliot lack of patience on theShow MoreRelatedStudy Case Report1106 Words   |  5 PagesStructure 5 3.2 Management and Leadership Style 5 3.3 Marketing and Promotion 5 3.4 Programs and Training 5 4. Conclusion 5 5. Recommendations and Implementation 6 6. References (optional) 6 Executive Summary The purpose of this report was to investigate a student sport club at a private university in Jakarta, which is called Badminton at BINUS University. Badminton is a non-profit Sport organization for undergraduate and graduate students of any major studying at BINUS UniversityRead MoreCase Study Report1971 Words   |  8 Pagesmoved tables because she was uncomfortable. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Direct Current (Dc) Motors . Student’S Name. University.

Direct Current (DC) Motors Student’s Name University Course Code Date of Submission Direct Current (DC) Motors 1.0 Overview of DC Motors A Direct Current (DC) motor is a broad classification of electric motors that operate from a direct current (DC). Nearly all mechanical devices used in electric applications are powered by electric motors. Motors transform electrical energy to mechanical energy. Thus, they are essential for energy conversion in electrical machines. All types of electrical motors comprise a stationary field commonly referred to as stator, and a rotating field (or rotor). According to Krishnan, (2010), the mechanism of operation of DC motors is based on the interaction between electric current and the†¦show more content†¦Rizzoni (2004) asserts that when electrical energy is supplied to the windings perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic field, the flowing current and the magnetic field will interact. As a result, mechanical energy will be produced by the magnetic field, leading to motion. Fleming’s Left Hand Rule can be used to determine the direction of the motion Figure 1: Fleming’s Left Hand Rule (Rizzoni, 2004) The direction of both the magnetic field and the current are pointed by the first and second fingers respectively. The thumb indicates the direction in which the conductor is pushed by effects of the magnetic field (Rizzoni, 2004). 1.3 Operation Principles of a DC Motor In order to demonstrate the operating principles of a DC motor, this paper will focus on a coil subjected to a magnetic field with a flux density of B (Hambley et al., 2008). When a D.C voltage is supplied to the coil, it induces current to flow through the coil. The electric current and the magnetic field will therefore interact and create a force that pushes the coil to move in the direction shown in Figure 2 below. Figure 2: Torque production in a DC motor (Hambley et al., 2008) A practical DC motor comprises several coils wound on the rotor as shown in Figure 1. The coils are aligned in the direction of the force that induces them to rotate. The current flowing in the coil is directly proportional to the magnetic field produced as well as the rateShow MoreRelatedTeacher Action Research Paper on Reading Deficiencies in 2nd Grade Students12146 Words   |  49 PagesNOVA SOUTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY MATL Action Research Project VERIFICATION COVER SHEET MATL Student Name and NSU ID ARP School Site Where Project was Implemented: ___________________ Elementary School Dates of Implementation: AUGUST 2008 – JANUARY 2009 School Site Address and Phone: ARP One-sentence Problem Statement: By incorporating cooperative learning, guided reading and Reader’s Theatre, this research educator improved nineteen second grade at risk students reading comprehension levels by increasingRead MorePsychology Workbook Essay22836 Words   |  92 Pagesquestion, (2) design a study, (3) collect data, (4) analyze data, (5) draw conclusions, and (6) communicate findings. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Lewis and Clark Journal Entries Free Essays

Lewis and Clark Journal Entries Monday 25th November 1805 Today was a really nice day. We had several Indians come up to us today. Later we loaded and set out to the river. We will write a custom essay sample on Lewis and Clark Journal Entries or any similar topic only for you Order Now We then continued to Shallow Bay. But the waves were too high. So we couldn’t cross the river. For dinner we ate dried pounded fish. Then we continued up the North Side of the river near our camp. The evening was cloudy and windy today. That we could see from our last campsite at Mount Rainer bearing. The wind was blowing too hard for us to cross the river from our campsite, but we were determined to proceed up to where the river was narrow. We set out early in the morning. We were accompanied by 7 people. We stopped for a few miles, then a few Indians left us and crossed the river through the immense high waves. We then ate at Shallow Bay. We had dried pounded fish. When we were done eating we proceeded to the North Side of the Columbia, and then we started camping again a little after sunset. Near our campsite at some distance into the river. The evening was cloudy, but the winds were really nice and we can also see Mt. Hillmans from the mouth of the river. May 25, 1804 We decided to set out early. At about two miles passed a willow tree. By the bend in the creek called Wood River. At three miles passed the mouth of another creek called La Que Ver this same course continued for a while. About two and a half miles further on one side we passed a creek called La Freneau at this point we were at least four miles away from a small French Village called La Charatt there were only five families in this village. It has been raining all night. The river rose several inches. I hope we find some islands tomorrow. We plan on passing Wood River again. We will go about two miles passed La Que Ver. At five miles passed La Free Au. At eight miles we set up camp at the mouth of a creek called Charrette above a small French Village that only has seven houses. We will settle there to hunt and trade with the Indians. While we were are here we will meet with Louis immediately. We will get situated at Sioux and he will give us some good of information and letters. How to cite Lewis and Clark Journal Entries, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Mammon and Archer free essay sample

Mammon and the Archer Most of O. Henrys( the real name is William Sydney Porter. ) stories are set in his own time, the early 20th century. Many take place in New York City and deal for the most part with ordinary people: clerks, policemen, waitresses. O. Henrys work is wide- ranging, and his characters can be found roaming the cattle-lands of Texas, exploring the art of the con-man, or investigating the tensions of class and wealth in turn-of- the-century New York. O. Henry had an inimitable hand for isolating some element of ociety and describing it with an incredible economy and grace of language. This story retells about Richard a young man who comes home to his father -Mr. Rockwell after graduation from college . Richards fell in love but the girl that he loves doesnt know shes always busy . He insists that the money cant change this situation. We will write a custom essay sample on Mammon and Archer or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page His aunt Ellen gave him an old gold ring . After that Richards met miss Lantry and went with her to the theater in a cab and they stuck in a traffic Jam and then Richards and M. Lantry had the chance to know each other and she promised to marry Richards . At he end came to light that his father paid to different persons to organize the traffic jam deliberately to give to Richards the possibility to talk to miss Lantry. Mammon and the Archer is a problem story aiming at social generalization . The main idea of the story is that money cant buy love but it could be a quite important catalyst. ln this text we can find a social significance that money rule everything and you can easily find and keep love using your money,this is peoples thought,most of us admit that to be rich is the most important thing in life. My personal understanding of the ext is that real love is a gift and you can love and be loved without being rich. The title Mammon and the Archer is appropriate to the text reflects the story; Mammon is the symbol of richness or evil, this name appears in the New testament and in nowadays it reflects the shallow humans happiness; the Archer is the symbol of pure unconditional love . The title is a metaphor expresses the interaction between love and money. The form of speech is dialogical and narrative ; the story begins by a description of a place and circumstances associated with the story: Old Anthony Rockwall, retired manufacturer and proprietor of Rockwalls Eureka Soap, looked out the library window of his Fifth Avenue mansion and grinned. Richards is a young man ,hes a dreamer believes in the true love There are some things that money cant accomplish, remarked young Rockwall, rather gloomily. He is not a materialist he doesnt wear expensive clothes and as his father says ,Richards is a gentleman : Youve got as much money to waste as any of em, and yet you stick to whats decent and moderate. . Hes romantic and open-hearted. Anthony Rockwall s a rich man and at the same time hes a wise man,he has life experience and hes quite sure that money can change everything :do you mean to tell me that with all the money Ive got you cant get an hour or two of a girls time for yourself? The climax of the story is when Richards gets in the traffic Jam with miss. Lantry, here we find an interesting implied shade we wont know how the story ends we could think that the dropping of the ring and the traffic Jam are a chance given by the destiny One of those street blockades had occurred that sometimes tie up commerce and